About Reality Theory
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About Reality Theory

About Us

An experienced team

We’re made up of creatives and storytellers, technologists and visual designers who work across the spectrum of extended reality. We all have a passion for creativity and innovation in extended reality and our in-house team have decades of experience in video game development, advertising and live events.


Experts with XR

We’re experts in the latest Virtual Reality technologies from HTC, Oculus and Google as well as Augmented Reality innovations for smartphones and Mixed Reality from Microsoft.

And with the constantly evolving extended reality landscape, we stay on the cutting edge by investing our own time into research and development projects, using the latest innovations. Always with a keen eye on the future and using that knowledge to support our clients.

How we work

Working with you

We partner with our clients from the initial idea to project launch (and beyond) to create immersive virtual and augmented content and experiences that inspire, engage and entertain.

We ALWAYS like to keep things simple for our clients and provide detailed (but easy to read) documentation and support through out the project.

We work transparently with regular status updates, and project reports and we don’t work with “rounds of feedback” – We prefer to collaborate with our clients to create the right experience.


Our goal

Extended Reality experiences are transforming the way we learn, work and play. Our goal is clear, to collaborate with our clients to make something amazing and take full advantage of this innovative medium.

We combine creativity, innovation and technical know-how to create amazing Extended Reality solutions.

Collaborating with our clients and understanding their business and audiences, we create truly amazing virtual experiences.

Need an expert team committed to delivering awesome XR solutions (and are good fun to work with)