Our Services
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Our Services

We’re dedicated to creating immersive virtual experiences for games and entertainment, education, training and marketing. From exciting classroom learning and memorable simulation training to gaming and real-world interactive tools. We develop extended reality solutions to inspire, engage and entertain

Virtual Reality

Experience an amazing, immersive reality, be literally anywhere and do almost anything. We create eye-popping worlds, using the latest technologies from HTC, Oculus and Google to take you to new places, to explore, play, experiment and learn. We completely immerse you in the virtual world, connecting you emotionally to the experience around you. Nothing is impossible in VR.


Augmented Reality

Combining digital content over a live view of the real world, we create the sensation that the content is right in front of your eyes, whilst keeping connected with the real world. We work with our clients existing content or we can create bespoke graphics, animations, video and sound to tell stories, present information, train or entertain using smartphones or tablets.


Mixed Reality

We merge our virtual worlds with the real world to create new ways of engaging with content where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact with each other. View and manipulate interactive holograms or modify your environment with this hybrid of Virtual and Augmented Reality.
Rich digital content overlaid in the real world really transforms the way you see the world around you.


Location Based Engagement

For live events, arcades and museums, we add props and atmospheric effects to heighten the sense of really being in a virtual environment. Adding real-world devices like pistols, steering wheels, flight sticks and ride-on equipment connects you physically to the action in the virtual world. Mind and body working as one for a truly immersive experience.


We can guide you through the Extended Reality technology landscape (in plain English)